Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Meets 'The Brooklyn Project's Brooklynn Prince

For many young people, Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot is a real-life superhero. The break-out role is a source of inspiration for many girls, including young actors in Hollywood. On Saturday, Nov. 11, Entertainment Weekly reported that Florida Project star Brooklynn Prince met Gal Gadot at an event, and it was a huge moment for her. Prince, who is just 7-years old, stars alongside Willem Dafoe and Bria Vinai in Florida Project, which is a portrait of a childhood on the highway just outside of Disney's utopian Magic Kingdom. The film is receiving a lot of Oscar buzz and, in October, Prince told EW that while she's unimpressed by the award show hype there were a few celebrity idols she was hoping to meet. She's a huge fan of Star Wars and Wonder Woman, and hoped to run into either Daisy Ridley or Gal Gadot.

The young star's dream came true at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Governors Awards on Saturday, where she met Gadot at last. A picture of the celeb encounter was posted to Twitter, and Prince looked so happy to be meeting Gadot. The moment is so adorable, but it also shows why representation matters. Star Wars: The Force Awakens was arguably the first film in the franchise to put women on equal footing. Wonder Woman broke records at the box office, but was the first female-led superhero film in over a decade. These movies both debuted in the past couple of years, and for a long time there was little representation for women in these male-dominated genres. The fact that young girls, and especially young actors, are seeing women in complex roles onscreen will only lead to a brighter future in the industry.
